Continuous Awakening
by Dorothy Hunt
Continuous awakening belongs to only
THIS! that is already continuously awake.
It will never belong to anything
that conceives of itself as separate.
No thought can touch it
No concept can describe it
No practices can produce it
No belief can create it
And memory cannot sustain it.
Whatever you can gain, you can lose.
You are not an experience that comes and goes.
The mind that lives in time can neither
experience the timeless, nor hold on to Spirit.
THIS is not an identity to attain.
Its revelation comes in the shedding of identities.
Whatever you may realize, avoid hiding in
a new identity, no matter what words your mind may use.
THIS cannot be limited; all concepts are only pointers.
Stop trying
Stop imagining
Stop waiting
Stop postponing
Stop fixing a self that you are not.
Stop pretending to be what you are not.
Stop, simply STOP.
Notice what silently remains.
THIS is here before seeking
THIS is here before awakening
THIS is here after awakening
THIS is here without words
THIS is here with words.
Only THIS that is awake, aware,
pure, naked, unstained, indivisible,
and perfectly Whole.