
Article by

I voted.

I voted for the rainbow.

I voted for the cry of a loon.

I voted for my grandfather’s bones
that feed beetles now.

I voted for a singing brook that sparkles
under a North Dakota bean field

I voted for salty air through which the whimbrel flies
South along the shores of two continents

I voted for melting snow that returns to the wellspring
of darkness, where the sky is born from the earth

I voted for daemonic mushrooms in the loam,
and the old democracy of worms.

I voted for the wordless treaty that cannot be broken
by white men or brown, because it is made of star semen,
thistle sap, hieroglyphs of the weevil in prairie oak

I voted for the local, the small, the brim
that does not spill over, the abolition of waste,
the luxury of enough.

I voted for the commonwealth of the ancient forest,
a larva for every beak, a wing-tinted flower
for every moth’s disguise, a well-fed mammal’s corpse
for every colony of maggots.

I voted for open borders between death and birth.
I voted on the ballot of a fallen leaf of sycamore
that cannot be erased, for it becomes the dust and rain,
and then a tree again.

I voted for more fallow time to cultivate wild flowers,
more recess in schools to cultivate play,
more leisure, tax free, more space between days.

I voted to increase the profit of evening silence
and the price of a thrush song.
I voted for ten million stars in your next inhalation.


The Evolved Nest

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The Evolved Nest: Nature’s Way of Raising Children and Creating Connected Communities

A False Privilege

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It is a false privilege to seem to extract ourselves from the messy mosaic of life by reaching for, upholding and hiding behind, spiritual truths that end up serving a sense of entitlement

Opening Oneself 

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Our task is not to save anyone, nor the world, not even ourselves

#100 Sacred Solidarity with Palestine: Sounds of SAND Second Year

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A show of excerpts and highlights from the second year of the podcast.

Basic Trust, Part I

Video with

One of the expressions of an awakened heart-mind is a basic trust in reality.

The Ontology of Ofrenda (Part I)

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Ritual offerings represent portals that bridge the material with the metaphysical, breaching linear ideas of space-time by creating a dialogue with manifold unseen, more-than-human sentiences

Psychological Roots of Authoritarianism

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Neuroimaging studies have shown that the amygdala, the tiny almond-shaped brain structure that mediates fear, is larger in people with more rightwing views

Child of the Moon

Poem by

Beirut, 1988 The question of why me has haunted meYou put a machine gun to my head, you got her on her kneesDecades later, an unanswered question and a traumatized brain This terror is hard to shakeI tried meditation and it has been the sameFor all this

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