Six LIVE Q&A sessions of 60 minutes each on Sundays at 10:00 a.m. PST.
Starting February 18, March 4, March 11, March 18, March 25 & April 4.
Have you ever “dropped into” your immediate experience and found a kind of doorway there to the true depth of who and what you are? With a combination of openness, some simple practices, and the right guidance, it becomes possible to experience this at any time and place.
The Diamond Approach is a contemporary spiritual path that offers us a wealth of tools and wisdom for living in this awakened and adventuresome way.
And I’m so excited to be sharing that our colleagues at Diamond Approach Online have created a brand-new online course, An Introduction to the Diamond Approach, to offer exactly this kind of adventure to a wide audience.
Find Out More About the Course and ‘Meet’ the Teachers through this 2-Minute Video.
Our good friend A.H. Almaas, who co-founded the Diamond Approach more than four decades ago and who has given talks at SAND for many years, leads a 4-teacher team for this new 6-week online course, which features 6 teaching sessions, a trove of experiential exercises and practices, and 6 LIVE Q&A sessions you can join from anywhere in the world.
With meditation and sensing practices, as well as exercises to inquire into your experience in the present moment, you can explore both the conditioning that can cause you to lose connection with your underlying vitality and essence, in addition to the awareness of your connection with all of reality – non-dual, boundless Presence, and beyond.
With this course, you’ll find not only one doorway to the richness and depth of experience that is your potential—you’ll unlock a whole series of breathtaking portals.
Start exploring and register at the course information page.