Senseless Perfection

Poem by

Things don’t happen for a reason
Sweet child
Life doesn’t need a reason
For happening
It simply blooms forth
With breathtaking chaos
Rains down on you
With senseless beauty
And immeasurable heartache
You can make up stories
If you like
About why things happen
The way that they happened
You can close one eye and squint
To make up patterns
You can tell stories of
Or perfection
Or blessings
Or you can simply stand naked in
The rain
You can realize nothing
Will ever really make sense
Not if you’re really honest
Not if you’re truly listening
Nothing happens for a reason
Yes, this is the truth
This is it
There is nothing else
But your own heart
Into reality
Your own heart
Drinking down
The eruption of stars
That is this radical emergence
Of soul in body
Of breath meeting Sky
There is nothing else to look for
Maybe it didn’t work out for the best
Maybe it isn’t an unfortunate mess
Maybe no great spirit is helping
Anything go your way
Just maybe
Life unfolds
With no holy plan
It is sacred
Just as it is
It’s power and innocence
Requires no justification
It’s perfection requires no meaning
Maybe nothing
Means anything
Other than what the Rose
When it blooms
It means
Here I am
Here I am
Here I am

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