Streaming Beggars

Article by

Now that you have moved into my heart,
taken the doors off their hinges and
removed the windows, glass, sash and all
beggars are coming from everywhere
for your sweet embrace.

The beggars stream in from every direction
walking, running, crawling, rolling and being carried.
The neighbors have stopped screaming about it.
At first they had plenty to say but after weeks and weeks of this
they know there is no helping it.
This is beyond city ordinances.
Soon they will be coming themselves,
dropping rakes, dog leashes, clothespins,
leaving cars running in the street,
for a glimpse of your holy face.

What am I to do but
watch in awe at the blessed variety of your creation,
the myriad wounds, the incredible stories,
the way they gather around the door
quivering with the certain knowledge
that finally no one will be turned away.

And stay in the house making meals,
and carrying sheets up and down the stairs.

Jeannie Zandi is the director of Living as Love, a nonprofit organization dedicated to seeding a culture of the Heart on the planet, inspiring, teaching and supporting people to live from their essence as Love.


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