
Poem by

Give up the search for a path
through this thick forest of life;
forsake tamped ground,
spongy bark-dust, packed needles,
and mantras repeated with fingers crossed.
Aspirations become lost after rising
to nest unnoticed in the limbs
of old-growth Doug Fir.

Dance through the maze;
soft shoe across painted lines
that promise an aisle to an altar;
pirouette, spin, twirl, jeté.
Grace of landing matters not;
glory in your footfalls, stumbles,
leaps, and trust; revel in the pulse
of humanity and love.

Wade in wonder through chilly water
whose bottom you cannot see;
balance on rocks slickened
by forces forever rushing;
dabble in placid ponds
rippled only by your own steps,
curious frogs, and occasional breezes;
slosh in surf crashing over toes
that curl into shifting sands;
struggle to stay upright with a smile
against the pull of rip tides.

Forget finding footprints
or leaving a trail.
Being is enough.


Artist Ana Mendieta

Video with

Ana Mendieta was an interdisciplinary artist, referring to herself as a sculptor. She is best known for her earth/body works, most specifically her now iconic Silueta Series, in which she used her body, and later the absence of the body, in the landscape

Opening Oneself 

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Our task is not to save anyone, nor the world, not even ourselves

Child of the Moon

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Beirut, 1988 The question of why me has haunted meYou put a machine gun to my head, you got her on her kneesDecades later, an unanswered question and a traumatized brain This terror is hard to shakeI tried meditation and it has been the sameFor all this

Nature of Reality (Spirit Guide Music Collaboration)

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A new track of music featuring Sounds of SAND guest and SAND Conference speaker Federico Faggin. This track features the voice of Federico with Fmusic by Chiara Dubey, Robot Koch, Foam and Sand and released by Livana Music. “By Being at Peace with

The Shohadaa Poems (Poems of the Martyrs)

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This conversation is released with the premiere of the documentary Where Olive Trees Weep, along with 21 days of talks on Palestine with leading historians, spiritual teachers, trauma therapists, poets, artists and more. Watch this full video and all 21

Fiercely Kind

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Keep my anger from becoming meanness

Like The Little Stream

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A Wave-Particle Certainty Principle

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The sun rises in merciless contemplation / Silvering a still-sleeping Mediterranean Sea

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