The Future of Well Being Deepak Chopra for Members

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Deepak Chopra, as he discusses the future of well-being and takeaways from his new book, “The Future of God.”

Join Deepak as he creates a roadmap for “higher health,” based on the latest findings in both mainstream and alternative medicine. In the process, Deepak will provide answers to such questions as:
• Are we in the midst of a major paradigm shift in science?
• Is there an ultimate reality?
• Does consciousness conceive, govern, construct and become the physical universe?
• Is the universe becoming self aware in the human nervous system?
• Is the next stage of human development conscious evolution?
• Do we have the ability to influence the future evolution of the cosmos?
• How does our understanding of consciousness as pure potentiality enhance our capacity for intuition, creativity, conscious choice making, healing, and the awakening of dormant potentials such as non local communication and non local sensory experience?
• How does our understanding of consciousness also enhance our capacity for total well being (physical, emotional, spiritual, social, community, financial and ecological)?
Deepak will address all these questions as well as practical ways to experience higher consciousness, transformation and healing. In addition, the doctor will also touch upon takeaways from his new book, The Future of God (Harmony, Nov. 2014).

Deepak Chopra is the Founder of the Chopra Foundation, and Cofounder and Chairman of the Chopra Center for Wellbeing in Carlsbad, California, and Founder of The Chopra Well on YouTube. He is a columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle and Washington Post and contributes regularly to,, and Huffington Post.
Chopra is known as a prolific author of more than 80 books with 21 New York Times best-sellers in both fiction and nonfiction. A global force in the field of human empowerment, Dr. Chopra’s books have been published in more than 43 languages. His New York Times bestseller Peace Is the Way received the Religion and Spirituality Quill Award in 2005, and The Book of Secrets: Unlocking the Hidden Dimensions of Your Life was awarded the Grand Prize in the 2005 Nautilus Awards. His latest New York Times bestsellers include What Are You Hungry For: The Chopra Solution to Permanent Weight Loss, Well-Being, and Lightness of the Soul, Super Brain: Unleashing the Explosive Power of your Mind to maximize Health, Happiness, and Spiritual Well Being, War of the Worldviews, Reinventing the Body, Resurrecting the Soul, and Spiritual Solutions – Answers To Life’s Greatest Problems. His book, The Soul of Leadership, was mentioned as one of the five best business books to read for your career by FINS – Wall Street Journal.


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