The Legacy of a Truth-Seeker

Photo by Ursula Abresch

Having trodden the path for cycles uncountable,

Having crossed the ocean of mind from end to end,

Through all veils, its fountainhead have I finally seen.

To you, honest truth-seeker treading the path behind me,

I grant the gift of my legacy.

I have learned thus:

Only untruths can be experienced.

Hence, only untruths can exist.

Truth is fundamentally incompatible with existence

For it is that which gives rise to existence,

Like a loudspeaker gives rise to sound.

Experiences are self-referential tricks:

They arise from nothing and are made of nothing.

If you dig deep enough within yourself,

You shall always find the layer of self-deception

Upon which any one of your convictions ultimately rests.

One’s reality sprouts from the first layer of self-deception

That escapes one’s field of critical awareness.

The deeper this field, the more subtle the self-deception.

Those with little critical awareness thus live more colorful lives:

Their fiction is fancier.

The honest search for truth annihilates its own subject

Slowly, recursively, from within.

Having peeled away every layer of self-deception within me,

I have found myself to be like an onion:

Nothing is left.

Only nothing is true.

No external references exist, no outside arbiters.

We are self-created fictions and so is the cosmos.

Truth-seeking is the path to self-annihilation

And thus to liberation.

Rejoice, for your pains, fears, frustrations and regrets

Are all untrue.

There is nothing to fear, nothing to strive for, nothing to regret.

You have no soul; that’s just self-deception.

And you won’t die; that’s just self-deception.

But beware!

As a dream allegorically portrays the inner state of the dreamer,

As a novel insinuates the aspirations of the writer,

As a lie betrays the insecurities of the liar,

So the fiction you call reality reveals something about truth.

Thus pay attention to life,

For truth expresses itself only through its own fictions.

To discern truth in fiction: here is the cosmic conundrum!

To engage wholeheartedly without being taken in: here is the ultimate challenge!

To find meaning in nothingness: here is the epic demand of nature!

Watch reality as you watch a theatrical play:

With inquisitiveness and curiosity.

But watch it as audience, never as character.

Characters spend their lives chasing their own shadows,

Whereas audiences attain subtle insight.

May my legacy serve you as a warning, but also as encouragement.

The prize at the end of the path is handsome:

The freedom to make the deliberate, guiltless choice

Of which untruth to live.

Exercising this choice wisely is the art of life.


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