The World’s Biggest Religion, Biggest Problems, and Three Images of Non-Duality ~ Brian McLaren

The Christian religion will play a significant role – for better or worse – in relation to global challenges of the 21st Century. While some forms of the religion continue to harden into dualistic thinking, three images central to Christian theology can serve as portals into non-dual thinking.

Brian D. McLaren is an author, speaker, activist, and networker among innovative Christian leaders. His dozen-plus books include A New Kind of Christianity, A Generous Orthodoxy, Naked Spirituality, and Why Did Jesus, Moses, the Buddha, and Mohammed Cross the Road? He and his wife, Grace, live in Florida and have four adult children and four grandchildren. He’s an avid wildlife and outdoors enthusiast. He has been profiled in Christian Century, Christianity Today, The Washington Post, and many other print media, and Time listed him among twenty-five influential Christian leaders in America. His upcoming book is We Make the Road by Walking.

this video was recorded at SAND14


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