Today in the market place, I will love you in the lemons
and caress you in the smooth-skinned apple.
I will laugh at the ripples in your kale body
and kiss your sweet strawberry lips.
I will savor every kind of seed you bear
and lick the pomegranate juice dripping
from my finger tips with sensuous delight.
I will touch you in the firm young carrot
and toss you playfully in piles of spinach leaves.
I will smell you in the fragrant bins of spices
and take the lids off shampoos to find your scent.
I will look at your eyes in new potatoes
and hold the slender stalks of green celery
with their leafy tops up to the light,
admiring each mist-drop still glistening there.
Today in the market place, I will love you
as I push the cart and sometimes jump on
to catch a ride between the oranges and the onions.
I will suck the sweetness from your fruit
and marvel at the intricacies of your green
and purple, red and yellow forms.
I will feel your shiny grains of rice,
and linger where you bake your bread.
I will smell you, touch you, drink you, taste you,
kiss you and consume you until you have become
a part of me; and when I see you in a human face,
my heart will feel delight, my eyes will smile their joy,
and I will receive you without one hesitation,
for nothing can interrupt our lovemaking.
Today I will meet my Beloved in the market place.
© Dorothy Hunt, from Only This!