#106 Black Palestinian Solidarity

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In this episode we present excerpts from the recent conversation (June 2024) as part of SAND’s “Conversations on Palestine” around the premiere of the film Where Olive Trees Weep hosted by the directors of the film and co-founders of SAND, Zaya and Maurizio Benazzo.

You can watch this full conversation and 22 others at Where Olive Trees Weep: 23 Conversations on Palestine. SAND has created a program with leading historians, spiritual teachers, trauma therapists, poets and performers to complement the themes explored in the film and provide a larger historical, cultural and social context to the plight of the Palestinian people

These Black activists and scholars came together to shed light on the intersection anti-Black racism, Israeli apartheid, patriarchal oppression, and predatory capitalism’s interconnected plunder. This panel discussed the coalitional power that blossoms when we recognize our kindred liberatory movements. Their dialogue illustrated how the subjugation of any community reverberates as a threat against the collective freedom and wellbeing of all humanity. Their truth disrupts manufactured divisions and nurtures the global, intergenerational solidarities indispensable for our mutual emancipation.

Faith Gay is an activist and incoming Master’s student at Princeton University with a background in anti-war organizing and congressional advocacy. Her work focuses on democratizing United States foreign policy so that it can be influenced by those most impacted by it, including those outside of Washington. She is a member of Black for Palestine, a collective organizing Black people in the U.S. to leverage their political, economic, and cultural power in support of Palestinian liberation and to end U.S. complicity in Israeli apartheid.

Rev. Naomi Washington-Leapheart is a Black queer preacher, teacher, strategist, and justice advocate. She is an adjunct professor of theology and religious studies at Villanova University and in the spring of 2024 completed a two year term as the Government Fellow for Religion and Public Life at Harvard Divinity School. Rev. Naomi also serves as the first-ever Strategic Partnerships Director at Political Research Associates (PRA), a social justice research and strategy center that provides strategic insights and actionable research that identifies, disrupts, and competes with movements and institutions that undermine democracy, justice, and human rights. In 2021, Rev. Naomi founded Salt | Yeast | Light, an organization that develops spaces of spiritual education, disruption, reflection, transformation, and public action. Most recently, she joined the national leadership team of Christians for a Free Palestine.

Imam Adeyinka Mendes is a spiritual counselor, meditation teacher, rites of passage facilitator, author, and Muslim religious leader based in Houston, Texas. He has been a student of the mystical traditions of Islam as well as indigenous and West African spiritual traditions for over 30 years after a life changing journey to Jerusalem at the age of 16. His focus as a teacher is on conveying the wisdom of our ancestors in ways that address the challenges and opportunities of the modern world. He is the founding director of Marhama (Arabic for ‘expressing mutual compassion’) Village, a community focused on building sustainable institutions through empowering service, prophetic spirituality, traditional knowledge, indigenous wisdom, and the arts. He has studied Classical Arabic, Islamic Sciences, sacred meditation, and the science of peace-building with sages and scholars from the United States, Syria, Sudan, Morocco, Mauritania, Nigeria, Egypt, Haiti, Senegal, and The Gambia. He imagines a world in which spiritual seekers from every tradition work together to establish a world of sacred service, compassion, and justice for every life.

(Scheduled, but not present in the recording because of illness)
Pastor Michael McBride is the executive director for LIVE FREE USA, a national organizing and social change network committed to ending the criminalization of people of color, reducing gun violence and transforming the policing and the criminal justice system. He was named by the Center for American Progress as a Top Clergy Leader in 2013 and served on President Obama’s Faith Based and Neighborhood Partnerships Council to address Poverty and Inequality in 2016. He is one of the national leaders in the movement to implement public health gun violence prevention programs, recently featured as one of CNN’s Champions of Change. He is the co-founder of Black Church PAC and the Black Brown Peace Consortium. Pastor McBride serves as the Lead Pastor of The Way Church in Berkeley, CA. He has been a frequent contributor to the New York Times, the Washington Post, MSNBC, CNN, the Huffington Post and many other media outlets.


  • 00:00 Introduction and Welcome
  • 02:25 Introducing Faith Gay
  • 03:08 Faith Gay’s Journey to Activism
  • 06:22 Reverend Naomi’s Story
  • 10:46 Imam Adeyinka’s Experience
  • 18:06 Pastor Michael McBride’s Work
  • 19:55 Recognizing Apartheid and Segregation
  • 28:23 Bearing Witness and Economic Support
  • 33:27 Responding to Apartheid
  • 34:33 Personal Reflections on Compromise
  • 35:58 The Domino Effect of Speaking Out
  • 37:57 White Supremacy and Global Racism
  • 41:54 Solidarity with Indigenous People
  • 42:51 The Importance of Healing
  • 47:55 Spiritual Imperatives and Activism
  • 52:10 Final Reflections and Call to Action

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