#42 The Great Liberation Through Hearing

“The past is history. The future is mystery. The present moment is a
— Lama Lhanang Rinpoche

Today’s guest are the authors of a new book out on Sounds True, The Tibetan Book of the Dead for Beginners: A Guide to Living and Dying. In this episode we go into Tibetan Book of the Dead’s cultural significance in the West, the West’s death phobic culture, the connections to Dream Yoga, what is meant by the Bardo, the history of the Tibetan Book of the Dead, karma and rebirth, and how their new book can support the living and the dead on our lives.

Venerable Lama Lhanang Rinpoche is a teacher of Vajrayana Buddhism of the Nyingma lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. Born in Tibet, he currently directs the Jigme Lingpa Center in San Diego and teaches throughout the United States and internationally.

Mordy Levine is president of the Jigme Lingpa Center and creator of the Meditation Pro Series that has taught meditation to more than 250,000 people.


00:00 – Introduction
03:10 – Genesis of the Book
06:12 – TBD in the West
13:24 – Tibetean Dream Yoga
22:50 – Death Phobic Culture
36:26 – Present Moment Gift
39:18 – Role of Hearing and Listening
50:58 – Karma and Rebirth

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