#45 We Must Risk New Shapes

Podcast with

Two recent appearances of Sophie Strand at SAND. One was her Community Conversation with Zaya and Maurizio Benazzo the second a story she read called “Healing: A Ghost Story” with Bayo Akomolafe.

Sophie’s course The Body is a Doorway at SAND

Sophie Strand is a writer based in the Hudson Valley who focuses on the intersection of spirituality, storytelling, and ecology. But it would probably be more authentic to call her a neo-troubadour animist with a propensity to spin yarns that inevitably turn into love stories. Give her a salamander and a stone and she’ll write you a love story. Sophie was raised by house cats, puff balls, possums, raccoons, and an opinionated, crippled goose. In every neighborhood she’s ever lived in she has been known as “the walker”. She believes strongly that all thinking happens interstitially – between beings, ideas, differences, mythical gradients.


  • 0:00 – Introduction
  • 4:30 – We Must Risk New Shapes
  • 14:24 – Disability and Sickness
  • 26:50 – Collective Story Telling and Trance
  • 39:16 – A Rescue Promise
  • 44:20 – Healing: A Ghost Story

#111 When Truth Becomes the Enemy

Podcast with , ,

Examining the vital role of journalists and documentarians in Palestinian conflict zones.

Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address

Video with ,

This video, filmed on location at the Onondaga Nation School in Onondaga Nation, focuses on the purpose and uses of the Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address.

I Believe We Have Lost Our Way As A Human Race

Article by

Wiradjuri/Wolgalu First Nations Aboriginal man from Australia, Joe Williams, shares how reconnection with the Earth and collectivism is the antidote to so many problems in our modern world

#109 Salt of the Earth

Podcast with ,

A sobering discussion with Palestinian and Israeli peace activists.

#107 Not In Our Name

Podcast with

A discussion around the misuse of Judaism to justify the brutal Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories

Princess, Spy & Author: Noor Inayat Khan

Article by

Indian princess who was also a gifted musician, a Sufi who wrote Buddhist fables for children, an anti-imperialist who spied for the British Empire

#106 Black Palestinian Solidarity

Podcast with , ,

Black activists and scholars come together to shed light on the intersection anti-Black racism, Israeli apartheid, patriarchal oppression and predatory capitalism's interconnected plunder.

Remembering Palestinian Artist Mahasen Alkhatib

Article by

Mahasen Alkhatib, a talented Palestinian artist from Northern Gaza, the latest artist to be killed by the ongoing Israeli Genocide

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