#83 Taoist Inner Alchemy

Podcast with

Mattias Daly is Taoist practitioner and a professional translator with a degree in acupuncture and a master’s in Chinese Literature. He was inducted into the Longmen lineage of Complete Reality Daoism by Abbess Liu of the Three Purities Monastery in Jilin province, China in 2013. He primarily translates for the National Palace Museum in Taipei and the Chinese Taipei PEN quarterly.

His new translation of Taoist Inner Alchemy: Master Huang Yuanji’s Guide to the Way of Meditation by Ge Guolong and Huang Yuanji is out now on Shambala Publications.

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  • 04:42 — Core Principle of Taoism
  • 10:59 — Path of Taoist Inner Alchemy
  • 15:11 — Metaphor of Alchemy
  • 22:44 — Energies of Inner Alchemy
  • 27:09 — Chan Buddhism
  • 35:36 — Physical Components of Inner Alchemy
  • 43:45 —  Importance of Heart Practice
  • 45:15 — Navigating the Polycrisis

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