#5 Healing Trauma and Spiritual Growth

Podcast with ,

From SAND 18 with Peter Levine, the father of trauma therapy work, and Thomas Huebl, a spiritual teacher known for his work integrating healing of collective trauma, discussing the relationship between healing trauma and spiritual growth. One theme that repeats throughout the discussion is that we are all connected through the traumatization of the world and that the healing of trauma is a way of returning to the wholeness and fullness of living.

This talk was hosted by SAND co-founder Zaya Benazzo.

Apologies for a few audio issues with this live recording. Hopefully, you can listen past that to the content of what they are offering!

And you’ll hear there’s QA from the audience at the end.

Peter Levine, Ph. D. is the founder and pioneer of Somatic Experiencing® (SE®)and has made it his life-time’s work to continue developing it. He holds doctorates in both Medical Biophysics and Psychology. Peter’s work led him to become a stress consultant for NASA during the development of the Space Shuttle.


Thomas Hübl is a contemporary mystic, international spiritual teacher, and author of Healing Collective Trauma: A Process for Integrating Our Intergenerational and Cultural Wounds (2020), whose work seeks to integrate the core insights of the great wisdom traditions with the discoveries of modern science. 



  • Bliss states
  • Holding lightness and darkness
  • Nonduality of existence
  • State and process awareness
  • Meeting Albert Einstein
  • Waves of Trauma healing
  • Free Will
  • Collective Trauma Processing

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