February 28 – March 4, 2016

2016 Esalen Retreat: Continuous Awakening

Nonduality in the midst of LIFE

Esalen Institute, Big Sur, CA

With Rupert Spira, Dorothy Hunt, Jeff Foster, Peter Russell, Sally Kempton, Helen Palmer and Ellen Emmet

WORKSHOP DETAILS Many of us have experienced some form of realization and are beginning to recognize ourselves as awareness. What does it take for our understanding to fully penetrate body and mind and to be lived as a permanent reality, fully embodied in the world? Is there a process of unfolding and stabilizing of our nondual understanding? What is awakening in the midst of dally life and relationships? While life expresses itself in continuous flux of perceptions, feelings, thoughts and experience, how do we remember and know ourselves as pure awareness?

Through talks, intimate dialogues, guided meditations and movement, this retreat will offer the opportunity to pause from our busy lives and habitual reactions, while finding home in the present moment, where we are always free, infinite and undivided.

The workshop runs from the evening of Feb 28th to 11am on March 4.

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