Recorded November 6, 2023

Ancestral Wisdom, Somatics
and Family Constellations

A live online conversation with Efu Nyaki

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Join Euphrasia “Efu” Nyaki for a community conversation on holistic healing from trauma. Efu has developed a method that integrates ancestral wisdom from her Snail Clan in Tanzania, somatic therapy, and family constellations. Her approach helps resolve PTSD, depression, addiction, chronic illness, and more by releasing trauma at the physical, emotional, and spiritual levels.

When trauma gets stuck in the body and psyche, it can profoundly impact health and relationships. Through courage, compassion, and community, we can transform suffering into wholeness.

With wisdom and vulnerability, we can discover how to heal together.

Themes Explored

  • Nyaki’s journey blending ancestral knowledge with Western modalities
  • Techniques like breathwork and meditation to regulate the nervous system
  • Identifying and transforming intergenerational family trauma
  • Stories of healing from Nyaki’s worldwide work
  • Steps we can take to engage our own healing process

A recording of this conversation will be available indefinitely to SAND members and for one week to others.


Efu Nyaki

Euphrasia (Efu) Nyaki was born and raised on the slopes of mountain Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, where she gained the essence and vital healing energy from her ancestors. The strength of her ancestors lead her to earn a Bachelor of Science degree, train as a science teacher, and later to train as a healer using holistic methods. Efu enjoys helping others and for this reason joined an International Catholic Missionary community called Maryknoll sisters of Saint Dominick. Having arrived in Brazil as a missionary in 1993, Efu worked for 5 years with women who suffered from violence using mental health programs in the periphery of the city of João Pessoa, Brazil. In the year 2000 she co- founded two NGOs, and in the past 20 years, Efu has offered bodyworker and herbal medicine trainings for community leaders. For the past 10 years Efu has been teaching Family Constellation (trans-generational trauma healing) and Somatic Experiencing® (SE™) for trauma resolution in Brazil and other parts of the world. Efu was also asked by Dr. Peter A Levine, the developer of SE™, to join his Legacy Faculty to assist him and teach his Master Classes.

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