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A four-part course with Scott Kiloby
Many people define addiction too narrowly, focusing on drugs or alcohol. Addiction is much broader. It’s safe to say virtually everyone is addicted to something, whether it be substances, sex, porn, work, love, attention, approval, spiritual seeking, self-improvement, being right, complaining. Addiction is the reaching or looking for something outside ourselves to find a sense of wholeness. Ultimately, addiction comes from the belief in separation itself. Many people often focus incorrectly on the substance or activity, rather than on the driving forces behind the addiction.
Scott Kiloby and his team of facilitators are redefining recovery. In the Kiloby Center’s approach, which is based on unconditional love, addiction is seen as a result of the underlying emotional “drivers,” which can be reduced to shame, trauma, external pressure/judgment, self-identity and lack. Instead of being seen as a disease, the Center treats addiction as a RESPONSE to what has happened in a person’s life (e.g., trauma) and/or how one feels about himself (lack, shame, self-identity). All of these drivers depend on the belief in separation. In this course, Scott demonstrates how to dissolve the underlying drivers and the separation at the root of them all. This course will be helpful not only to those focused on resolving addiction, but also to anyone who is suffering and needs better tools to untangle themselves from that suffering.
Scott Kiloby is a noted author and international speaker on the subject of freedom through non-dual recognition (authentic spiritual awakening as it is taught in the East). He is the author of seven books and has traveled the world extensively giving lectures, workshops and intensives on spiritual awakening and the healing of addiction, anxiety, depression and trauma. He is a California Registered Addiction Specialist. He is the co-developer of a new model of addiction recovery that is based on inquiry and unconditional love. Scott is the co-founder of the Kiloby Center for Recovery in Palm Springs California, the first addiction, anxiety, depression and trauma Intensive Outpatient Program to focus primarily on mindfulness. Scott is also the co-owner of the Natural Rest House, a detox and residential center in La Quinta, California. Both facilities focus on Scott’s new model of recovery.
Scott is the inventor of Mindful Pain Management, an app that acts as an interface between physicians and chronic pain patients to help reduce the risk of addiction to painkillers and more mindfully treat chronic pain. Scott is also the founder of two mindfulness/inquiry training programs: Living Inquiries Community, a training program and group of trained facilitators who work with people in over 12 different countries, and the Natural Rest Advanced Mindfulness (NRAM) training program which focuses on the new and latest developments in Scott’s work.