In the Circle of Life (Coming Soon)

When Land Remembers Us

Across the ancient land of Australia, where timeless songlines weave the country like veins of ancestral memory, this film reveals the raw wounds inflicted by colonization while celebrating the indomitable spirit of a people who have danced with the Earth for millennia. It beckons us to listen—truly listen—to the heartbeat of the land, to understand the deep interdependence of all life, and to recognize that we need only listen to the Earth to remember who we are. Through unbroken songlines and the beauty of the culture, we rediscover that everything in nature is relational. The film challenges us to look into the abyss of our shared history, illuminating humanity’s capacity for both destruction and healing. In this eternal dance, we are reminded that we are all connected to land, to each other, and to the great cosmic wheel that turns ceaselessly through the night sky, inviting us to join in its timeless revolution.

#118 Mythic Dharma

Podcast with

A discussion on the story of the Buddha’s awakening and the dharma through a mythic lens.

Remembering Mark Dyczkowski

Video with

It is with deep sadness we have learned of the passing Dr. Mark Dyczkowski, one of the world’s foremost scholars on Tantra and Kashmiri Trika Shaivism.

River of Words

Poem by

Write something!

Sacred Activism: Awakening the Spirit of Change

Article by

The alchemy of spirituality and activism —born from the understanding that true change starts from within and radiates outward

The Two Birds Within You

Video with

This timeless tale, inspired by the Mundaka Upanishad and Shvetashvatara Upanishad, offers profound insights into the nature of our existence.

#117 Minds Under Siege

Podcast with , ,

Exploring the complex intersection of collective trauma, political power in Israel/Palestine

If In Search of Bliss

Poem by

Haitian-born poet Jerrice J

Minds Under Siege

Video with , ,

Journalist Naomi Klein and trauma expert Dr. Gabor Maté explored the complex intersection of collective trauma, political power, and memory.

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