Rays of the Absolute

The Legacy of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

In 2006, Stephen Wolinsky proposed the idea of traveling to India to film Nisargadatta Maharaj’s translators and disciples to explore the legacy Maharaj left behind in his hometown, Mumbai. 
In 2007, Zaya and Maurizio Benazzo, Stephen Wolinsky, Philip Safarik and Fred Good traveled to India to shoot this film.
The meeting with the old devotees was both illuminating and deeply touching. 

Over the next seven and a half years, we all plugged away, going through mounds of material, to allow this project to reach completion. The film you are about to see cannot demonstrate the amount of work that went into this project….but let’s simply say that finally it is complete…

Nisargadatta did not leave an ashram; he did not leave any teachings or successors. This movie is an homage to him, a look at his unintended legacy by people that have been inspired by him more than words can express.

This film contains interviews with four of Nisargadatta’s original translators: Ramesh Balsekar, S.K. Mullarpattan, Mohan and Jayashri Gaitonde, plus some old indian devotees and trustees, the publishers of “I Am That” and a visit to the old room in which Maharaj was holding his meetings, his Guru Samadhi Shrine and the place in which some of Maharaj ashes are preserved.

In the footage are also presented exclusive photographs of Maharaji’s cremation ceremony.


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