Acceptance of our true nature

Video with

ShantiMayi reflects on the importance of accepting our true nature.

For the past three decades, ShantiMayi has cast seeds of actualization into thousands of receptive hearts and minds throughout the world. Her spirituality ripened in the light of a sublime affinity with her Spiritual Master, Shri Hansraj. Though her Master was Hindu and India was the ground of her ’rite of passage’, ShantiMayi is not held within any particular tradition. She eclectically draws upon the quintessence of many traditions and though this is so, she speaks from her own direct experience, relentlessly pointing us back to ourselves. She says of herself, ” I am but a reminder, perhaps … a poetic mirror”.

This video is an excerpt from SAND Anthology Vol. 5

Mind-Brain Consciousness Field

Article by

Between quantum physics and neuroscience, a theory emerges of a mental field we each have, existing in another dimension and behaving in some ways like a black hole

#115 Remembering Nature’s Ways

Podcast with

A SAND Community gathering on evolved morality, child development, and human flourishing in communities.

On Refugia: Kathleen Dean Moore

Article by

"Refugia": places of safety where life endures

Florece Desde Adentro

Article by

Indigenous Mayans want their sacred cenotes to have personhood status

Awe: The Remedy for Apathy

Article by

These are tenderizing times

Why do you pretend

Poem by

Why do you pretendto be a teacher?

#114 On Grief, Belonging & Intimacy

Podcast with ,

Exploring the tender territories of grief, belonging and rest.

Remembering Elisabet Sahtouris

Article by

It's with a heavy heart that we remember frequent SAND speaker and contributor, Elisabet Sahtouris (1936-2024)

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