The Dream of Life

Video with

An inspiring and profound speech by Alan Watts, from his lecture Out of Your Mind.

Thrilled with the transformation of consciousness and the mutual interdependence of all things, Watts was a generous interpreter of Eastern religions and the quest for meaning in the West. Whether exploring the myth of ourselves based on our separation from others, the nature of selfishness, the fallacy of misplaced concreteness, or the illusion of the ego, Watts takes delight in demolishing the traps of conventional thinking. He asserts that we miss too much of the diversity and majesty of our experience when we close ourselves off to mystery, playfulness, and improvisation.

Alan Watts audio courtesy of, music by Goldmund – Threnody, and edited by

Credits: Earth HD, Home, BBC Planet Earth, National Geographic -The Incredible Human Machine, Washington – Enchantments – Canon 5D Mark II, Its a Wonderful Life, GoPro HERO3-Black Edition

#115 Remembering Nature’s Ways

Podcast with

A SAND Community gathering on evolved morality, child development, and human flourishing in communities.

On Refugia: Kathleen Dean Moore

Article by

"Refugia": places of safety where life endures

Florece Desde Adentro

Article by

Indigenous Mayans want their sacred cenotes to have personhood status

Awe: The Remedy for Apathy

Article by

These are tenderizing times

Why do you pretend

Poem by

Why do you pretendto be a teacher?

#114 On Grief, Belonging & Intimacy

Podcast with ,

Exploring the tender territories of grief, belonging and rest.

Remembering Elisabet Sahtouris

Article by

It's with a heavy heart that we remember frequent SAND speaker and contributor, Elisabet Sahtouris (1936-2024)

On Grief, Belonging & Intimacy

Video with ,

In this intimate conversation with poet and philosopher David Whyte and his wife, cultural architect Gayle Karen Young, explore the tender territories of grief, belonging and rest.

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