Awakening the Luminous Mind

Video with

At the core of the Dzogchen teachings is the view that all sentient beings are primordially pure, perfected, and have the potential to spontaneously manifest in a beneficial way. This capacity is within each and every one of us. It is our nature, and yet we often find ourselves alienated and disconnected from ourselves and others as we rush about in our day-to-day lives. If one is willing to directly and nakedly encounter the experiences of one’s ordinary life, these experiences become the doorway to the realization of one’s nature, the doorway to the inner refuge. Pain can become the path home. Join Tibetan Bön meditation master Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche as he invites you to engage in the practice of meditation and reflection, to look intimately within and discover the jewel that is hidden in your ordinary experiences. Explore how to honor and respect the three doors of body, speech, and mind, and recognize the opportunities for healing which life presents. Discover the inner refuge and the gifts of spaciousness, awareness, and warmth that bring healing and benefit not only to you but your relationships with others and the greater world.

Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, founder and spiritual director of Ligmincha International, is one of only a few masters of the Bön Dzogchen tradition presently living in the West. An accomplished scholar in the Bön Buddhist textual traditions of philosophy, exegesis, and debate, Tenzin Rinpoche completed a rigorous 11-year course of traditional studies at the Bönpo Monastic Center (Menri Monastery) in India, where he received his Geshe, degree. In 1992 Tenzin Rinpoche founded Ligmincha International in order to preserve and introduce to the West the religious teachings and arts of the ancient Tibetan Bön Buddhist tradition. Rinpoche is known for his clear, lively, and insightful teaching style and his ability to make Tibetan practices easily accessible to the Western student. In addition to Ligmincha International’s affiliates in the United States, Rinpoche has established centers in Central and South America, Europe and India, and has authored 9 books.

3000-year-old Solutions to Modern Problems

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Diné musician, scholar, and cultural historian Lyla June outlines a series of timeless human success stories focusing on Native American food and land management techniques and strategies.

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