Becoming You: A Journey to the Void and Back

Video with

What does it mean to be yourself from a nondual perspective? The dissolving of the sense of separation allows the energy engaged in the false concept of ourselves to become available again to express our true individuality. From the false “me”, to an authentic expression of you.

Although it is always the true Self that is living the form, the illusion of the me filters out its expression, because the life force is watered down by it. Embodying the awakening means also therefore being able to express ourselves in all our natural talents and orientations. The body/mind finds a very natural pleasure in radiating effortlessly the joy of living.

Transcending the sense of separation is therefore just the beginning of a new life in which the old ego-based goals become often obsolete. This can lead to a period of suspension of our energy, as we do not recognize ourselves anymore in the old ways, but we are not yet able to authentically express ourselves either.

The passage from being me to being I is a rich adventure that involves the dissolution of the thinking mind into a higher Intelligence, and the transformation of old contractions into radiance and joy. The shadows of the personality are transformed into new opportunities to give birth to the true You.

This alchemical transfiguration of the old identity is not done by the apparent person, but by Consciousness itself. Once purified from the illusion of separation, Consciousness emanates, out of its own Being, the possibility to be You–totally human and perfectly divine.

#103 Justice & Joy

Podcast with

Global justice, Buddhism, Black wisdom, culture, music, art and more.

Elemental Purification Breath Meditation

Video with

Guided meditation and discussion on the four elements from the Inayatiyya lineage of Sufism.

A False Privilege

Article by

It is a false privilege to seem to extract ourselves from the messy mosaic of life by reaching for, upholding and hiding behind, spiritual truths that end up serving a sense of entitlement

Basic Trust, Part I

Video with

One of the expressions of an awakened heart-mind is a basic trust in reality.

How to Find Peace

Article by

Question: All except a few do not want war, so why dothey prepare for it?

#98 Glissando of Consciousness

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A far-reaching conversation on meta-mindfulness meditation techniques.


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U.G. Krishnamurti was an Indian philosopher and spiritual teacher known for his unconventional approach, rejecting traditional spiritual practices in favor of radical self-inquiry. His teachings challenged established notions of enlightenment and

#47 What Shines (Encore)

Podcast with

A conversation with singing and muscial performances from the legendary Baul teacher and musician.

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