In a talk that drew enthusiastic applause from her audience at the 2017 SAND Italy gathering, Jude Currivan, cosmologist and communicator extraordinary, adds a new perspective to the usual dichotomy of duality and nonduality, uniting them as differentiations of unity. She tells us of the amazing fine-tuning of the universal constants that have enabled organic life, and reports some recent research – including the astonishing fact that 50% of the water in our bodies is older than the solar system. Finally she talks of the history of the universe as a journey from simplicity to complexity, of consciousness expressing itself, and suggests that we are witnessing a time when this complex system must either break down or break through. We have a choice to fall apart in fear or leap into love together.
What Is Nonduality?
Article by
Joan Tollifson
There is diversity in appearance, but no actual separation