Connecting with the Intuitive Guidance of the Heart

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Recent discoveries have found the heart possesses its own intrinsic nervous system of sensory neurons that can feel, learn and remember, referred to as the “heart-brain.” This intelligence processes information independently from the “head-brain”. Research at the HeartMath Institute demonstrated that our intuitive sensitivities are closely tied to this heart- brain and our heart’s rhythms. A specific rhythmic pattern of the heart, referred to as “heart coherence,” has been shown to increase intuitive discernment and improve decision-making skills. I will present research on how heart coherence brings the physical, mental and emo- tional systems into balanced alignment for easier access to our heart’s intuitive guidance for simple or hard to make choices. Our choices are constantly determining our peace, happiness and self-security—or the stress and decline of our well-being. Learning to utilize our heart’s intelligence is a natural gift we can refer to for moment-to-moment guidance, no matter what personal growth, spiritual path or religion we may practice. I will also present research on collective heart coherence and energetic connectivity, then teach the audience a heart coher- ence technique to amplify the group energetic field. I will do a live demo with a participant from the audience using heart coherence technology. Everyone will be given a worksheet and do an exercise to access their heart’s intuitive guidance in this amplified heart coherent field. The heart’s intuitive guidance can help us navigate through these changing times with more emotional poise, along with connecting us to our higher choices and untapped potentials. There is a growing global awareness that more heart and higher consciousness is needed to solve our societal problems. The potential of collective heart coherence and a deeper under- standing of the intelligence of the heart is that we can co-create a heart-connected world and a better future.

Deborah Rozman Ph.D. has been a psychologist and executive for over 30 years. She helped HeartMath founder Doc Childre launch the Institute of HeartMath non-profit research and education organization in 1991 and now serves on the Institute’s Scientific Advisory Board and Global Coherence Initiative Steering Committee. She is co-author with Doc Childre, Howard Martin and Rollin McCraty of the newly released book Heart Intelligence: Connecting with the Intuitive Guidance of the Heart and co-author of the Transforming book series: Transforming Anger, Transforming Stress, Transforming Anxiety and Transforming Depression. Deborah also serves as President of HeartMath ® Inc. which provides scientifically validated tools, technologies and certification training programs to help people learn self-regulation skills needed to achieve a baseline shift in consciousness and well-being.

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