Family Constellation and Beyond The Roots of Love

Video with

Family Constellation can be understood as a mindfulness practice. We perceive and open to the collective field that every individual is connected to. We do this without intention or goal, because intrinsically there is a deeper movement in life that wants to bring together what has been separated. This is a movement towards oneness and healing. However, we need to leave behind personal concepts and ideas about how and when this should happen. Instead we learn to move beyond the limitations of our personal conscience and agree to that which is and to everyone as he or she is.

When awareness matures one becomes able to see love at the source of every action. In turn this allows one to reinterpret one’s experiences and the actions of others as a resource rather than a deficiency. Now no one and nothing needs to change, but one looks at the same life in a different way. The idea of improvement is dropped and one can then acknowledge the ’isness’ of life and rejoice in spontaneous growth.  

Love that arises out of consciousness is not directed to anyone in particular, it has no roots.

#115 Remembering Nature’s Ways

Podcast with

A SAND Community gathering on evolved morality, child development, and human flourishing in communities.

Nature’s Way of Raising Children

Video with

All animals share with humans brain structures and processes that give us the capacities for life’s rainbow of experiences: consciousness, thinking, feeling, loving, and dreaming.

Evolved Nest (Foreword)

Article by

The Evolved Nest: Nature’s Way of Raising Children and Creating Connected Communities by Darcia Narvaez, PhD and G

Faces of Compassion, Live Q&A

Video with

Gabor on compassion in light of Oct. 7 and genocide.

From Polarization to Re-Creation (Podcast)

Article by

This episode of Living Myth begins with the word polarization being chosen as the dictionary word of the year and ironically being the one thing that both sides of the political spectrum agree upon

Gratitude & Grace

Article by

Gratitude and grace are connected with grace being a state of being that reminds us of the mostly unseen realm of spirit and great imagination that is always nearby

On Initiation, Trauma and Ritual

Article by ,

An interview with SAND presenters Francis Weller and Alnoor Ladha shared by Deschooling Dialogs

#110 Mosaics of Myth

Podcast with

Exploring the depths of authenticity through mythic storytelling and sense-making in times of collapse.

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