How the “Myth of Separation” Affects Our World, Charles Eisenstein

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Charles Eisenstein reflects on the myth of separation that permeates our social and political institutions and it’s deleterious effects on our world.

Charles Eisenstein is a writer, teacher, and speaker on multiple themes: money, community, education, gift culture, transition, and cultural evolution. He is the author of The Ascent of Humanity and Sacred Economics, along with numerous essays in print and on line. Graduating from Yale in Mathematics and Philosophy in 1989, he spent his twenties in Taiwan as a Chinese-English translator before returning to Pennsylvania where he lives today. His work in economics and social change features in several recent films, including Money and Life, and the short films, The Revolution Is Love, and Sacred Economics.

Charles will be speaking at SAND15 US

This video was recorded at SAND14. It is an excerpt from SAND Anthology Vol. 5

The Evolved Nest

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The Evolved Nest: Nature’s Way of Raising Children and Creating Connected Communities

Psychological Roots of Authoritarianism

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Neuroimaging studies have shown that the amygdala, the tiny almond-shaped brain structure that mediates fear, is larger in people with more rightwing views

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Intergenerational Trauma in Immigrant Families

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Co-authored by Priscilla Li, BA and Eunice Y

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