We live in a time characterized by convergences of many kinds, giving our civilization a threshold of significant climaxes and challenges. These outer forces of intense change are in direct alignment with inner capacities we are yet to acknowledge and live from. It is my hope that this session will allow us to contemplate the rich human and planetary histories we have inherited. The intention here is to consider how we can become aware of our true legacies, step into the realities of our deepest belonging and act from conscience as the prerequisite virtue to initiate our age, the age of humanity.
No Room for Neutrality
Video with
Dr. Rupa Marya,
Nancy Mansour,
Umaymah Mohammad,
Dr. James Smith
On the Frontlines of Gaza’s Health Catastrophe This full conversation was released with the premiere of the documentary Where Olive Trees Weep, along with 21 days of talks on Palestine with leading historians, spiritual teachers, trauma therapists,