It All Goes Down in Your Mind

Video with

In this recent 4-day retreat hosted by Science and Nonduality called Pathways to Wholeness, Gabor weaves Johnny Cash and the Buddhist ‘Dhammapada’ to illuminate that all reality takes place in the field of our consciousness (AKA mind), and, more importantly, what to do with that information.

“Mind is a forerunner of all actions.
All deeds are led by mind, created by mind.
If one speaks or acts with corrupt mind,
suffering follows,
As the wheel follows the hoof of an ox pulling a cart.

Mind is the forerunner of all actions.
All deeds are led by mind, created by mind.
If one speaks or acts with a serene mind,
happiness follows,
As surely as one’s shadow.

‘He abused me, he mistreated me, defeated me, robbed me.’
Harboring such thoughts keeps hatred alive.

‘He abused me, he mistreated me, defeated me, robbed me.’
Releasing such thoughts banishes hatred for all time.

Animosity does not eradicate animosity.
Only by loving kindness is animosity dissolved.
This law is ancient and eternal.”
― Dhammapada

#119 Fractal Flourishing

Podcast with

A mapping of the profound global upheaval and themes of hope and grief amid political, cultural, and environmental crises.

#117 Minds Under Siege

Podcast with , ,

Exploring the complex intersection of collective trauma, political power in Israel/Palestine

Minds Under Siege

Video with , ,

Journalist Naomi Klein and trauma expert Dr. Gabor Maté explored the complex intersection of collective trauma, political power, and memory.

Dr. King’s Last Speech: I’ve Been to the Mountaintop

Video with

"These are revolutionary times. All over the globe men are revolting against old systems of exploitation and oppression, and out of the wombs of a frail world new systems of justice and equality are being born."

#115 Remembering Nature’s Ways

Podcast with

A SAND Community gathering on evolved morality, child development, and human flourishing in communities.

Nature’s Way of Raising Children

Video with

All animals share with humans brain structures and processes that give us the capacities for life’s rainbow of experiences: consciousness, thinking, feeling, loving, and dreaming.

Evolved Nest (Foreword)

Article by

The Evolved Nest: Nature’s Way of Raising Children and Creating Connected Communities by Darcia Narvaez, PhD and G

Faces of Compassion, Live Q&A

Video with

Gabor on compassion in light of Oct. 7 and genocide.

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