Love and Group Coherence – SAND19 US

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As our world experiences dramatic change and polarization, and we see the stress it is causing, people from all cultures are looking for practical ways to deepen heart connections in their communities and affect social change through compassionate awareness and actions. This presentation explores new research on group coherence and the importance of physiological synchronization in increasing group cooperation, collaboration, harmony and performance. The term coherence always implies harmonious relationships and connectedness between the various parts of a larger system. Social coherence can be achieved by the establishment of stable and harmonious relationships, between couples, within families, groups or people within larger organizations. A number of studies have shown that feelings of cooperation, trust, compassion and increased pro-social behaviors depend largely on the establishment of a spontaneous synchronization of physiological rhythms between group members. In order for physiological activity of individuals to synchronize, a signal of some type must convey information between them. The model that best fits the data from various studies is built on field theory and nonlocal information exchange where information about the entire group is simultaneously distributed to all of the group members, creating a “social hologram”. We have suggested that biologically generated magnetic fields may act as a carrier wave for information transfer between individuals and group members. The most commonly found factor that underlies our ability to get in-synch with our deeper self, others, and the rhythms of the Earth is heartfelt connectedness and love.

The Evolved Nest

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The Evolved Nest: Nature’s Way of Raising Children and Creating Connected Communities

Love Outpouring

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Experiencing Ever-Present Happiness by Illuminating and Eliminating the Difference between Who You Are and What You Have Mistaken Yourself to Be

The Gifts of Suffering

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This video is in English and French Excerpts from “Last Fragments of a Long Journey” by Christiane Singer translated by Dorna Djenab. After the doctor announced that she had no more than 6 months to live following a cancer diagnosis,

#97 Love & The Metacrisis

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Exploring community, love, and spirituality in the times of global collapse.

Here in these End-Beginning Times

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During my pregnancy, my midwives lent me a book that suggested parents-to-be engage with birth art

Intimate Relationship as a Spiritual Crucible

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Living with someone we love, with all the joys and challenges, is one of the best ways

Hollowed by Grief, Hallowed by Grace

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Purchase Hollowed by Grief, Hallowed by Grace: A Silent Kirtan of Poetry and Art by Rashani V Réa, Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer, and James Crews


Poem by

No, I don't feel death coming / I feel death going

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