Nonduality in the Zen Tradition

Video with

Kazuaki Tanahashi, born in Japan and active in the United States since 1977, is an artist, writer, and worker for peace and the environment. Kaz’s one-stroke paintings, multi-color Zen circles, and calligraphy have been in solo exhibitions throughout the world. His publications include Brush Mind, Penetrating Laughter: Hakuin’s Zen and Art, Lotus, and Treasury of the True Dharma Eye: Zen Master Dogen’s Shobo Genzo. Also, The Heart Sutra: Exploring Wisdom Beyond Wisdom is forthcoming from Shambhala Publications. He is the founding director of A World Without Armies and a Fellow of the World Academy of Art and Science.

For more information:

An excerpt of the Interview with Kazuaki Tanahashi featured in the SAND Anthology vol. 5.

#118 Mythic Dharma

Podcast with

A discussion on the story of the Buddha’s awakening and the dharma through a mythic lens.

Remembering Mark Dyczkowski

Video with

It is with deep sadness we have learned of the passing Dr. Mark Dyczkowski, one of the world’s foremost scholars on Tantra and Kashmiri Trika Shaivism.

The Two Birds Within You

Video with

This timeless tale, inspired by the Mundaka Upanishad and Shvetashvatara Upanishad, offers profound insights into the nature of our existence.

What Is Nonduality?

Article by

There is diversity in appearance, but no actual separation

#66 Silent Light

Podcast with

An anthology episode for Winter Solstice with talks, conversations, poems, and songs from SAND's past

The Disabled God

Article by

The only thing more impressive than an all-powerful being creating the universe, is the lack of an all-powerful being creating the universe

Beyond Light

Article by

The light which is beyond the light even in the darkness of the dark

#57 The Alchemy of Love

Podcast with ,

A captivating conversation into divine and personal love with two modern-day mystics

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