Nonduality, & the Feminine Face of Awakening, Amoda Maa Jeevan

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The spiritual seeker often makes a fundamental error: that of believing duality (the everyday perception of things, events and self as separate entities) and nonduality (the awakened perspective in which all separation is seen to be an illusion) to be at opposite ends of the spectrum of consciousness. This mistaken belief perpetuates the myth of enlightenment handed down by a patriarchal paradigm, and creates a division between an imaginary transcendent state of being in which only the perfection of bliss prevails, and the messy, chaotic and often painful earthly world. Even in the recognition of awakeness, there is frequently a subtle but pernicious avoidance of the blood, sweat and tears of the human experience. The full bloom of awakening comes when awakeness has descended from mind to heart to body, and every cell of your being now dances and sings with the joy of this realization: this cannot happen without the deepest acceptance of duality. The awesome mystery of consciousness expressing itself as both dual and nondual is perplexing and unacceptable to the linear thinking mind. But it becomes a koan – a doorway to the inexpressible – when we shift to holistic way of experiencing reality.

Today, as more ordinary people awaken and then wonder how to live the truth of awakening, this shift is becoming an imperative. Amoda invites you to consider that this is a sign of a new feminine frequency in which our earthly experience is wholeheartedly included in the play of consciousness. And she invites you to consider that this feminine frequency is calling us into a new conversations about how the truth of awakeness is experienced and expressed in everyday life.

Amoda Maa offers a gentle yet uncompromising pointer to authentic freedom. Her teaching – which is free of all dogma, ideology or tradition – has evolved out a direct experience of awakened presence amidst the depths of personal suffering. Having taken many years for this nod-dual awareness to integrate into ordinary life, today she offers satsangs and retreats to a growing global community. Her invitation is into the untamable fire of truth and to live the luminosity of this truth amidst the mystery and mess of human existence.

Amoda Maa is the author of How to Find God in Everything and Change Your Life, Change Your World, and is currently working on a third book called Radical Awakening. She is also the founder of the ‘Foundation for Conscious Change’, a non-profit organization that supports her teaching.

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