On Polarization

Video with ,

Watch this conversation between Yuval Noah Harari and Esther Perel – psychotherapist, relationships expert, and bestselling author of ‘Mating in Captivity: Unlocking Erotic Intelligence’. In this free-flowing exchange, Esther and Yuval explore the intersection points between romantic power dynamics and social/political trends throughout history. This conversation was fi

lmed on 14 August 2022, as part of The Alpine Fellowship’s annual conference.

Also, we invite you to listen to this Sounds of SAND podcast episode featuring a live SAND talk by Esther Perel:

Nature’s Way of Raising Children

Video with

All animals share with humans brain structures and processes that give us the capacities for life’s rainbow of experiences: consciousness, thinking, feeling, loving, and dreaming.

Evolved Nest (Foreword)

Article by

The Evolved Nest: Nature’s Way of Raising Children and Creating Connected Communities by Darcia Narvaez, PhD and G

Faces of Compassion, Live Q&A

Video with

Gabor on compassion in light of Oct. 7 and genocide.

From Polarization to Re-Creation (Podcast)

Article by

This episode of Living Myth begins with the word polarization being chosen as the dictionary word of the year and ironically being the one thing that both sides of the political spectrum agree upon

Gratitude & Grace

Article by

Gratitude and grace are connected with grace being a state of being that reminds us of the mostly unseen realm of spirit and great imagination that is always nearby

On Initiation, Trauma and Ritual

Article by ,

An interview with SAND presenters Francis Weller and Alnoor Ladha shared by Deschooling Dialogs

#110 Mosaics of Myth

Podcast with

Exploring the depths of authenticity through mythic storytelling and sense-making in times of collapse.


Article by

The Inner Journey to an Ecological Civilization

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