Opening the Door of the Heart: Adyashanti and Edward Frenkel

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Two passionate lovers of truth and wonder, a spiritual teacher and a mathematician, exchange stories of the path to awakening, and discuss the psychological nature of the rediscovery of the experience of being. For many of us it’s natural to start on the intellectual plane and to use the power of the scientific, rational mind to surmise the reality of those dimensions. But at some point we move beyond the mind and hear a call from the heart.

Semitic Oneness & Cantor’s Infinity

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From Semitic Oneness to Jewish Election Through Cantor’s Infinity I stumbled upon a surprising connection between quantum physics and Semitic nomadic spirituality

Can Trauma Be Passed Down Through our Genes?

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How can identical twins with identical genomes acquire different characteristics over their lifetimes?

What Happens in a Mind That Can’t ‘See’

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Two years ago, Sarah Shomstein realized she didn’t have a mind’s eye

The Mysterious Number That Shaped Our Universe

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This constant represented by the Greek letter alpha is just a dimensionless number, so no matter what units you use, it will always have the same value, about 1/137.

The Case for Indigenous Knowledge as Science

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Calls for better recognition from the scientific community arguing that Indigenous knowledge is science and that's what we should call it.

Listen to our Sonified Universe

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Three new sonifications of images from NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory and other telescopes have been released in conjunction with a new documentary about the project that makes its debut on the NASA+ streaming platform

The Flow State

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The science of the elusive creative mindset that can improve your life As a professional ballet dancer, Julia Christensen knew the flow state well: a total absorption in her body’s movements, without the constant chatter that typically accompanies our

Uncertain Selves & Quantum Awareness

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Quantum physics offers a fascinating metaphor for the mind, an intriguing lens through which to view thoughts, emotions, and experiences

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