SAND18 US — Being Human in the Engine of Creation

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Bruce Damer shows the audience at SAND18 the very first photo of RNA formed spontaneously from samples he collected from a hot spring. From this, in a wide-ranging talk which draws from our understanding of early human ancestry and some of our modern creation myths, including Star Wars, he speculates about the nature of human life and the stories we have created to live by.

A four-billion-year-old cycling evolutionary engine of creation lifted us improbable and beautiful human beings into existence. The very process by which we were made is driven by the dual nature of night and day, death and reproduction, despair and hope. The dark and light parts of our nature now starkly face each other in a high stakes planetary stand-off which will determine our very survival. The secret to our future may be to invoke Jedi-like transformative powers into the midst of the stand-off. To paraphrase Master Yoda… “Jedi need the dark force of the Empire to grow skills stronger… to answer power with power, the Jedi way this is not… so you must face the truth, and choose to give off light, for Luminous beings we are, Padawan.”

On Refugia: Kathleen Dean Moore

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"Refugia": places of safety where life endures

Wrinkled Time

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The Persistence of Past Worlds on Earth Excerpts from a recent essay in Emergence Magazine Marcia Bjornerud is a professor of environmental studies and geosciences at Lawrence University

#112 Ayurvedic Longevity

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What can the ancient science of Ayurvedic Medicine teach us about living longer, healthier lives?

Ultimate Truth & Our Purpose on Earth

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Tiokasin ruminates on the indigenous view of consciousness and our connection as Earth herself.

#34 Conversations on Complexity

Podcast with

A discussion of Neil's new book "Notes on Complexity"

The Way is Awkward

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By the river it is cool and gray at last after a night of longed-for rain, however intermittent

Fungal Brains

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A new study claims that fungi possess great intelligence to the point that they can make decisions

A New Tribal National Marine Sanctuary

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The waters off Central California are now part of the Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary, the result of a decades-long campaign by local Indigenous leaders

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