SAND18 US — Enhancing Human Wellbeing through Nondual Awareness

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The current times seem to be defined by the great promise of technology for human enhancement. Yet the source of capacity to optimize our experience and wellbeing is already present within all of us as the innermost essence of nondual awareness. This panel will present contemporary methods for realizing nondual awareness and the scientific research on its effects on wellbeing.

Speaker. Judith Blackstone, PhD, has been a Realization Process teacher and a psychotherapist in private practice for four decades. She is author of Belonging Here, The Enlightenment Process, The Intimate Life, The Empathic Ground and the upcoming Trauma and the Unbound Body.

Speaker. Tiffany Barsotti, M.Th., C.Ht., MCPLT, is a spiritual, medical intuition counselor and teacher in private practice at HEAL and THRIVE in Encinitas, California. With her spiritual and intuitive guidance, she serves as an integrative practitioner working alongside physicians and other allied health professionals.

Speaker. Zoran Josipovic, PhD, is a research associate at New York University Langone Medical Center, and adjunct assistant professor for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience in the Department of Psychology, New York University. With his wife, Judith Blackstone, he founded the Nonduality Institute, where he is the principal science investigator.

Speaker & Session Chair. Paul J. Mills, PhD, is a Professor of Family Medicine and Public Health, and Director of the Center of Excellence for Research and Training in Integrative Health at the University of California, San Diego. He is currently serving as Director of Research for the Chopra Foundation. He has expertise in Integrative Medicine and psychoneuroimmune processes in wellness and disease, publishing extensively on these topics.

Moderator. Deepak Chopra, MD, is a world-renowned pioneer in mind-body medicine and personal transformation, and Board Certified in Internal Medicine, Endocrinology and Metabolism. He is a Fellow of the American College of Physicians. He has authored more than 80 books, published in more than 43 languages, including 22 New York Times best sellers.

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