SAND18 US — Is Nondual Awareness at War with our Humanity?

Video with

Speaking at SAND 18 Dorothy Hunt reminds us that duality, humanity, is not a mistake; it is what makes it possible for the infinite ground of being to see itself, to love itself, to have the experience called form. Our freedom is the freedom to be here, not to transcend form, but to be human as well as divine.

Spiritual seekers often imagine that awakened living means ridding ourselves of our humanness, or that nondual awareness is somehow at odds with its own expression as human beingness. Egoic thought imagines that “it” is what will become ever-present, compassionate and loving, and so continually falls short in its attempt to become what it will never become. Presence, compassion, and unconditional love are already here in our deepest essence, the Heart of Awareness that we share. Awakened living realizes that the Absolute and the relative dimensions of our Being are simply “not-two.” In such seeing, we honor what is already whole and undivided as well as its infinite expressions as life. Through discussion and experiential invitations, we will explore Presence and personhood, and look at ways to approach our inner struggles by not separating ourselves from them yet being willing to look deeply at where we are divided. We often need reminding, “Without mud, there is no lotus.”

#103 Justice & Joy

Podcast with

Global justice, Buddhism, Black wisdom, culture, music, art and more.

Elemental Purification Breath Meditation

Video with

Guided meditation and discussion on the four elements from the Inayatiyya lineage of Sufism.

A False Privilege

Article by

It is a false privilege to seem to extract ourselves from the messy mosaic of life by reaching for, upholding and hiding behind, spiritual truths that end up serving a sense of entitlement

Basic Trust, Part I

Video with

One of the expressions of an awakened heart-mind is a basic trust in reality.

How to Find Peace

Article by

Question: All except a few do not want war, so why dothey prepare for it?

#98 Glissando of Consciousness

Podcast with

A far-reaching conversation on meta-mindfulness meditation techniques.


Video with

U.G. Krishnamurti was an Indian philosopher and spiritual teacher known for his unconventional approach, rejecting traditional spiritual practices in favor of radical self-inquiry. His teachings challenged established notions of enlightenment and

#47 What Shines (Encore)

Podcast with

A conversation with singing and muscial performances from the legendary Baul teacher and musician.

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