SAND18 US – Trauma and the Unbound Body

Video with

Judith teaches the main practices of the Realization Process, a direct, embodied method of personal and relational healing and nondual awakening. She discusses the application of these practices to healing from trauma. In the Realization Process we attune to the ground of our own nature as an expanse of undivided, fundamental consciousness pervading our body and environment as a unity. Knowing ourselves as fundamental consciousness facilitates resilience to emotional and sensory stimuli, the integration of cognition, emotion and physical sensation, and the capacity for deep connection with other people without losing inward contact with oneself.

Judith describes how we constrict and fragment ourselves in reaction to trauma, especially as children, and also how we mirror the trauma-based constrictions of our parents, so that psychological pain and limitation is passed down through the generations. She demonstrates the Realization Process method for recognizing and releasing the emotional wounds, defenses and compensatory patterns held in the body that conceal our authentic nature. She also shows how nondual realization enhances the therapeutic relationship, by cultivating empathy, subtle perception, and authenticity.

Judith presents some specific types of psychological issues that often cause suffering for spiritually oriented individuals. These include intolerable levels of sensitivity, a lack of grounding, a sense of isolation and alienation, a tendency to feel merged with or displaced by other people, and a desire for purity and perfection. She shows how the practices of the Realization Process can address these challenges and help spiritually gifted people live more comfortably in the world.

How to Find Peace

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Question: All except a few do not want war, so why dothey prepare for it?

#98 Glissando of Consciousness

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A far-reaching conversation on meta-mindfulness meditation techniques.


Video with

U.G. Krishnamurti was an Indian philosopher and spiritual teacher known for his unconventional approach, rejecting traditional spiritual practices in favor of radical self-inquiry. His teachings challenged established notions of enlightenment and

#47 What Shines (Encore)

Podcast with

A conversation with singing and muscial performances from the legendary Baul teacher and musician.

The Disease of Being Busy

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I saw a dear friend a few days ago

The alley of the traceless

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I asked “Why is your beautiful face hidden from me?

What is Spiritual?

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Beautiful, ugly, impressive, disgusting, meaningless, grim, contradictory etc… It makes no difference, as long as it is life, vigorously pouring forth

Tao Te Ching’s Timeless Wisdom

Article by

While rummaging through a bookstore in Iowa City decades ago I happened upon a slim volume with the intriguing title, Tao Teh King by Lao Tzu: Nature and Intelligence, translated by philosopher Archie Bahm

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