Seasons of Rumi

Video with

Molānā Jalāl ad-Dīn Mohammad Balkhī, better known in the West as Rumi, was not unfamiliar to crisis.

He lived during a time when the earth was experiencing a significant eclipse that included the residues of the Crusades, the immediate threat of the bloodthirsty Mongol armies, and the onset amnesia Muslims were experiencing. Yet, during this earthly eclipse, he found the Sun within his own heart. His life is one of Hope and possibilities.

Through his teachings, mainly in the form of sacred verses, Rumi gifted us many themes for life to contemplate on, marinate in, and fully embody and manifest.

Three of such themes that Pouria find relevant for our time include:
– Discernment
– Invitation
– Prayer

With joy in his heart, Pouria offers three of Rumi's poems, each speaking to one of these three themes. He first recites them in their original language, the language Rumi uttered. Then he provides an English translation for each.

If In Search of Bliss

Poem by

Haitian-born poet Jerrice J

#116  Echoes of Resilience

Podcast with

A sonic journey through artistry, resistance, and transformation through music & poetry.

Why do you pretend

Poem by

Why do you pretendto be a teacher?

Heart Dance

Poem by

I had a story; / about Longing


Poem by

Existence is a state of constant flux, as is what it means to be sacred

The well of grief

Poem by

Those who will not slip beneath the still surface on the well of grief,

You and I Have Spoken All These Words

Poem by

You and I have spoken all these words / but for the way we have to go, words are no preparation

I hope to God you will not ask

Poem by

"I hope to God you will not ask me to go anywhere except my own country

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