SAND18 US — Spontaneous Creativity: Manifesting Your Positive Qualities

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Creativity can be seen as a state of natural flow, one that spontaneously and effortlessly gives birth not only to manifest form, but to all experiences of body, energy, and mind. This state of flow, which has its roots in openness, occurs only in the absence of hope and fear. It is at once naturally joyful, peaceful, compassionate, expansive, and powerful. When you know how to tap fully into this open, creative flow, its beneficial qualities can extend to any area of your life. You can paint more masterful paintings. Your music can have more depth of connection. Your writing can be more genuine and moving. You will be able to solve problems at work, resolve conflicts with loved ones, or even shift your thought patterns with more natural spontaneity. — Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, The Great Perfection of Creativity, Shambhala Sun Magazine, November 2012.

The Tibetan spiritual traditions tell us that unleashing our dynamic creative energy is a matter of recognizing and tapping into the wellspring of creativity that already exists in us. Tenzin Rinpoche will instruct and guide simple meditation practices of body, speech and mind that can help you to: 

  • recognize and clear physical, energetic, and mental obstacles blocking your creative flow
  • connect with and trust in your innate creative potential
  • discover the inner strength and confidence that can allow your creativity to naturally blossom.

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