This is an excerpt from Daniel Odier’s Tandava the Cosmic Dance day long practice at SAND16 in Italy.
Daniel Odier became a disciple of Kalou Rinpoche in 1968. Following his teachings, he receives the transmission of Mahamudra. Daniel taught Tantrism and Buddhism in several American universities before founding in 1995, the center Tantra / Chan in Paris. In 2000, he dissolved the center to encourage independent practice and today leads seminars in different countries. His books on Tantra, have been translated into eight languages and deal with the deeper aspects of the Shaivite and Tantric way of Chan.
Recognized as Sifu (Chan master) Daniel brings together buddhism and direct contact with the daily essence of Chan. The practice is centered on meditation in the style of Zhao Zhou, with moments of meditation alternated with free-style walking, in pure presence. (