The Clear Eye “I” at the Center of a Storm

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There is a dimension of our Being that is never in crisis. Even as the mind swirls amidst a pandemic, peace is present. Even as fear sweeps through, and divisions and judgments threaten to tear apart the fabric of nations, something remains unthreatened. Deep within us all, there is a clear “eye” that remains calm in the center of all phenomena. This infinite Mystery, the single “I” we share, does not judge our humanness, but embraces its ever-changing forms and energies, unable to be separated from them. To discover this dimension brings immense freedom to fully experience the moment as it is. Listening deeply to the Silence inside the storm, we begin to discover an inner wisdom that moves as love.

Dorothy Hunt is the founder of the San Francisco Center for Meditation and Psychotherapy, and serves as Spiritual Director and President of Moon Mountain Sangha, Inc., a California non-profit religious corporation. Dorothy currently offers meditation and satsang gatherings, awakening groups, weekend retreat days, and longer residential retreats. She also sees individuals for dokusan (private meetings with a spiritual teacher.) Her teaching is centered in the San Francisco Bay Area, but is offered elsewhere by invitation.

This talk is hosted by Rick Archer.

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