Peter Russell: The Dawn of a New Paradigm in Science

Video with

One thing science knows is that our experience is a construct. Sensory information is processed by the brain giving raise to our own experience. This construct appear to have shape color and solidity. What is the world out there actually like?

Physics show that when we look at matter it is mostly empty space. We therefore observe this nothingness and it is our mind that gives it the appearance of solidity. Which is the conclusions reached by mystics trough the ages. Maybe it is not a nonduality of matter but a nonduality of consciousness we should explore.

The new hard question is not how brain gives rise to consciousness but how do our minds take on all the different forms that we experience as reality?

The nondual perspective to this question is that all is one, there is no difference between form and emptiness, mind and matter.

Could this nondual prospective heal the split between science and spirituality?

Listen to our Sonified Universe

Article by

Three new sonifications of images from NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory and other telescopes have been released in conjunction with a new documentary about the project that makes its debut on the NASA+ streaming platform

#101 Apian Wisdom

Podcast with

A discussion at the intersection of cultural, spiritual, and ecological dimensions of natural honeybee life.

Artist Ana Mendieta

Video with

Ana Mendieta was an interdisciplinary artist, referring to herself as a sculptor. She is best known for her earth/body works, most specifically her now iconic Silueta Series, in which she used her body, and later the absence of the body, in the landscape

The Evolved Nest

Article by

The Evolved Nest: Nature’s Way of Raising Children and Creating Connected Communities

A False Privilege

Article by

It is a false privilege to seem to extract ourselves from the messy mosaic of life by reaching for, upholding and hiding behind, spiritual truths that end up serving a sense of entitlement

Opening Oneself 

Poem by

Our task is not to save anyone, nor the world, not even ourselves

#100 Sacred Solidarity with Palestine: Sounds of SAND Second Year

Podcast with

A show of excerpts and highlights from the second year of the podcast.

Basic Trust, Part I

Video with

One of the expressions of an awakened heart-mind is a basic trust in reality.

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