The Deeper Story behind Crises

Video with

In ‘The Deeper Story Behind Crises’, the wisdom keeper and spiritual master Isira invites us to look into the causes behind the critical challenges we face, and find the gifts of wisdom that lie within them. Isira is no stranger to crises. As a teenager, she was brutally raped and nearly murdered, but was able to manifest limitless compassion, which ultimately saved her life and has been the hallmark of her journey in this life.

Isira examines how practical and powerful wisdom can be found in all of the crises that we face at an individual and societal level – whether it is the global COVID-19 pandemic, domestic abuse, mental health, poverty or beyond. Drawing upon deep Indigenous wisdom, Isira guides us to see the spiritual dimension of all crises, and how, lying latently within each of them, is a sacred invitation to reawakening and regeneration. Now is our time, our moment to grow through this pain, and from these destructive forces to give birth to new creation.

This talk is hosted by Katie Gray.

Florece Desde Adentro

Article by

Indigenous Mayans want their sacred cenotes to have personhood status

#113 Ancient Rhythms

Podcast with ,

SAND's 2024 Winter Solstice Gathering exploring deep medicine of the "long dark" in community.

Ancient Rhythms – An Offering for the Long Dark

Video with ,

A virtual ceremonial space at the threshold of winter’s deepest darkness hosted by SAND.

If I Must Die: Refaat Alareer

Article by

Support the new book of poetry and prose from slain Palestinian poet in December 2023

#111 When Truth Becomes the Enemy

Podcast with , ,

Examining the vital role of journalists and documentarians in Palestinian conflict zones.

Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address

Video with ,

This video, filmed on location at the Onondaga Nation School in Onondaga Nation, focuses on the purpose and uses of the Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address.

I Believe We Have Lost Our Way As A Human Race

Article by

Wiradjuri/Wolgalu First Nations Aboriginal man from Australia, Joe Williams, shares how reconnection with the Earth and collectivism is the antidote to so many problems in our modern world

#109 Salt of the Earth

Podcast with ,

A sobering discussion with Palestinian and Israeli peace activists.

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