The Esther Perel Love Lexicon

Video with ,

Originally published on On Being

Esther Perel, one of our SAND Radiant Intimacy speakers, has changed the cultural discourse on  relationships with her viral TED talks and her book Mating in Captivity. As a child of Holocaust survivors she asked herself why it was that after atrocity some people didn’t die, while others came back alive.  What makes us come alive?  She understands the erotic as an antidote to death. For Perel, eroticism is a key ingredient to life — and it’s more than just a description of sexuality. “My work is about eroticism,” she says. “It is about how people connect to this quality of aliveness, of vibrancy, of vitality, of renewal. And that is way beyond the description of sexuality. It is mystical. It is actually a spiritual, mystical experience of life. It is a transcendent experience of life, because it is an act of the imagination. And that is spirituality, as well.”

This video of the wisdom treasures from her On Being interview with Krista Tippett is a must watch.

Awe: The Remedy for Apathy

Article by

These are tenderizing times

#114 On Grief, Belonging & Intimacy

Podcast with ,

Exploring the tender territories of grief, belonging and rest.

On Grief, Belonging & Intimacy

Video with ,

In this intimate conversation with poet and philosopher David Whyte and his wife, cultural architect Gayle Karen Young, explore the tender territories of grief, belonging and rest.

Nondual Vedic Intimacy

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We humans often feel strangely alone even in intimate relationships, if not all the time, often enough

#108 Thrutopian Dreams

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Dream deeply, rise up strong, change is coming...

Beneath All Appearances

Article by , ,

A lighthouse, a pole star for those who grieve and especially for parents who have lost a child or children

12 Levels of Friendship in Arabic

Article by

From Sadeeq to Khaleel, it is rare to find all 12 levels of friendship in one person

#105 From Grief to Liberation

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Ash discusses his recent work giving readings to families of deceased and displaced Palestinians and his work around collective and individual grief.

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