The Flower of Life

Video with

A video from one of the most comprehensive and well-done videos series about sacred geometry on YouTube.

As this fun yet wise video offers “Watch with an open mind, see what resonates and leave the rest”.

Tao Te Ching (Dao De Jing)Classic of the Way and Virtue
By Lao Tzu (Laozi)

“The movement of the Tao
By contraries proceeds;
And weakness marks the course
Of Tao’s mighty deeds.
All things under heaven sprang from It as existing and named.
That existence sprang from It as non-existent and not named.”

—Translated by James Legge, 1891, Chapter 40

Explore more of Spirit Science videos on their YouTube Channel.

What Is Nonduality?

Article by

There is diversity in appearance, but no actual separation

#66 Silent Light

Podcast with

An anthology episode for Winter Solstice with talks, conversations, poems, and songs from SAND's past

The Disabled God

Article by

The only thing more impressive than an all-powerful being creating the universe, is the lack of an all-powerful being creating the universe

Beyond Light

Article by

The light which is beyond the light even in the darkness of the dark

#57 The Alchemy of Love

Podcast with ,

A captivating conversation into divine and personal love with two modern-day mystics

Holding Space for Anger

Video with ,

Ram Dass interviews Thich Nhat Hanh at State of the Wold forum (1995)


Article by

We can sense that this openness, this unconditional love is the deepest truth of our being

Ultimate Truth & Our Purpose on Earth

Video with

Tiokasin ruminates on the indigenous view of consciousness and our connection as Earth herself.

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