The Primacy of Consciousness

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Yes we are on a path, but on a path of realizing that there is no where to get to… it is just waking up to the truth of our own being…

Wave-particle duality, the uncertainty principle, the collapse of the wave function, and entanglement all point to awareness being an intrinsic aspect of reality. Yet we are still trying to understand these phenomena within a worldview that assumes the real world to be that of space, time, and matter, and relegates consciousness to some artifact of brain processes. Yet the one thing of which we are certain is that we are aware. And it is the one thing the current worldview cannot account for. This profound anomaly will ultimately lead to the full paradigm shift to which contemporary physics is, unwittingly, pointing. With consciousness as primary, everything remains the same and everything changes. Mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry are unchanged. What changes is our assumption as to what they are describing. They are not describing the unfolding of a physical world, but the unfolding of a universal self-aware field.

We are led to the conclusion that the entire cosmos is a vast field of knowing, knowing itself, and in that knowing creating for itself the appearance of a material world. Why then don’t we see it that way? Why does the material world appear devoid of consciousness?

Looking for consciousness in the material world – the world that appears in awareness – is like searching a map to find the paper on which the map is drawn. The closest we can come is a sign saying “You Are Here.”

Peter Russell
From the deep pools of Eastern wisdom, to the fast-paced rapids of the West, Peter has mastered many fields, and synthesized them with consummate artistry. He brings a sharp, critical mind to the challenge of self-awakening. The next great frontier of human exploration, he shows, is inner space – the development of the human mind. He
has degrees in theoretical physics, experimental psychology, and computer science from the University of Cambridge in England, and has written ten books in this area, including The Global Brain Awakens, Waking Up in Time, and From Science to God: A Physicist’s Journey into the Mystery of Consciousness.

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