The Relative is the Absolute

Video with

This is an excerpt of a longer video available to our supporters

Caverly Morgan reminds us that it’s easy to dismiss injustice, bias and cruelty in the name of transcendence, and asks us to consider whether our habit is to think of the awakened life as mine to have rather than ours to live.

When we engage in the distortion that the relative plane is separate from the absolute – that it is something to transcend or ‘just an illusion’ – we ignore the reality of the illusion. What it is the illusion comprised of? How is it known? And by whom? The relative may appear to arise out of the absolute, as waves appear to arise out of the ocean, but like waves, both relative and absolute are components of a greater whole. They are not separate. When we know ourselves as this whole which subsumes everything, we cease to diminish or dismiss the mystery of being human. We experience viscerally that “the world is my family”. From this understanding, we recognize that liberation is not a singular experience. There can be no individual ego that experiences enlightenment. We suffer when we forget that. We suffer when we perceive ourselves as separate from the collective – on the level of consciousness, (the absolute) as well as with our neighbor (the relative). When we recognize that the world is arising in us, Awareness, there is nothing to dismiss. How, then, in our situation of privilege on the relative plane, do we dismiss injustice, bias, cruelty in the name of transcendence or ‘spiritual understanding’? How do we participate in systems of oppression while ignoring the effects our neighbor, as well as the whole? Do we fall for the story that the awakened life we seek is mine to have rather than ours to be? And what’s love got to do with it?

#100 Sacred Solidarity with Palestine: Sounds of SAND Second Year

Podcast with

A show of excerpts and highlights from the second year of the podcast.

No Room for Neutrality

Video with , , ,

On the Frontlines of Gaza’s Health Catastrophe This full conversation was released with the premiere of the documentary Where Olive Trees Weep, along with 21 days of talks on Palestine with leading historians, spiritual teachers, trauma therapists,

Aloha ‘Āina (Official Trailer)

Video with

What does it mean to love the land? For acclaimed Kanaka Maoli poet and activist Jamaica Heolimeleikalani Osorio, this love is held in aloha ‘āina, a Hawaiian concept that teaches if we are connected to one another, it is only because we are connected to

#96 From Palestine to the World

Podcast with ,

Two legends discuss the depth and pain of living in times of genocide through the lens of activism and trauma.

Palestinian Advocacy

Article by

Tips & Facts for Discussion & Debate from March 2024 (version 2) Read the full article as a PDF from our Where Olive Trees Weep Resources page

#93 Feminine Resistance in Palestine

Podcast with ,

Palestinian women's sumud (steadfast perseverance) against the violence of occupation, patriarchy and dehumanization

Black-Palestinian Solidarity

Video with , ,

Black activists and scholars come together to shed light on the intersection anti-Black racism, Israeli apartheid, patriarchal oppression and predatory capitalism's interconnected plunder

#92 Gaza & the Bodhisattva Path

Podcast with ,

A conversation from the <em>Where Olive Trees Weep</em> premiere on Palestine

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