The Soul of Transformation

Video with

Michael Meade speaks so beautifully about the role of “descent” in any spiritual journey. “The spirit rises like air and the soul descends like water.” Many on a spiritual path get attached to the rising of the spirit and forget that embodied wisdom comes only after we have descended to the depths of our soul.

“Without the lift and the light of spirit, the soul can become too heavy, sodden with earthiness, too tragic or stuck in the mud to move anything forward. Without the shading of soul, what could become wise can become way too sure of itself, too certain of the way and too blinded by the light.”

Listen to Michael Meade answers to Zaya's burning questions: What has gone wrong with our world? What has led to the current polycrisis humanity is facing? How can myth and ancient stories help us understand and be with the current human and existential crisis? Can you share a story or ancient wisdom for times of Crisis? Are myths like ancient codes, archetypes that still live today in our psyche? Is crisis always spiritual in nature? Is there also a creative power in destruction? Do you see this as a moment of initiation? If so, to what? How do we prepare ourselves?

This interview was recorded at the Wisdom in Times of Crisis online event.

#118 Mythic Dharma

Podcast with

A discussion on the story of the Buddha’s awakening and the dharma through a mythic lens.

Remembering Mark Dyczkowski

Video with

It is with deep sadness we have learned of the passing Dr. Mark Dyczkowski, one of the world’s foremost scholars on Tantra and Kashmiri Trika Shaivism.

The Two Birds Within You

Video with

This timeless tale, inspired by the Mundaka Upanishad and Shvetashvatara Upanishad, offers profound insights into the nature of our existence.

What Is Nonduality?

Article by

There is diversity in appearance, but no actual separation

#66 Silent Light

Podcast with

An anthology episode for Winter Solstice with talks, conversations, poems, and songs from SAND's past

The Disabled God

Article by

The only thing more impressive than an all-powerful being creating the universe, is the lack of an all-powerful being creating the universe

Beyond Light

Article by

The light which is beyond the light even in the darkness of the dark

#57 The Alchemy of Love

Podcast with ,

A captivating conversation into divine and personal love with two modern-day mystics

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